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Jeff Piepho

Fix it On Your Own, Or Let God Win?

When we resolve a problem without God, or move forward without obeying God, we actually weaken our position – even if it doesn’t feel like it at the moment!
God wants to be strong on my behalf. His eyes are scanning the Earth, looking for people he can support (2 Chronicles 16:9)!

Confidence in the Storm

Bible Verses: 2 Chronicles 14

Big question: How did Asa have confidence that God would fight for him? How can we have confidence that God is on our side?
THE MAIN THING! Asa had confidence in God because he was doing what God was doing!

How to Destroy a Nation (and Your Life)

Big Question: How do we make wise choices?
Rehoboam takes three days to consider the issue (great choice!) and meets with the elders for advice (super great choice!).
Reheboam takes his friend’s advice, and the nation collapses. Israel splits into Israel and Judah, and never fully reunites.