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Pastor Jeff’s Recommended BooksJeffBooks_2692

Periodically, I’m asked to recommend some books. Truth be told, there are so many good books out there, it’s hard to give less than 100 suggestions. From ODG (old dead guys) to authors who are still pumping out material, I’m about to share some of my favorites with you. They’re all related to God and Christianity, but within that I’ve tried to give a good mix of topics (biographical, apologetic, theology, Christian living, etc).

Yeah, sometimes I want to change the whole list to my new favorites – but, when I look back through it, I think, “If someone read all the books on this particular list, I can’t imagine how much Spiritual growth they’d have.”

Here’s my very first suggestion: read the Bible.

What did you expect, I am a Pastor?! Before we delve into all of humankind’s writings about God and Scripture we should listen to the Father in heaven speak for himself. So, I sincerely recommend having a large chunk of the Bible read before reading any other books. If you were only going to read 6 books of the Bible, I’d probably read (in this order, even though it’s not chronological):

  • Matthew (about Jesus),
  • Genesis (early human history),
  • Exodus (God establishes Israel and his laws),
  • Galatians and then Romans (why we’re freed from the law),
  • John (bring it back to, and keep focused on, Jesus), and
  • James (practical application).

The Books

If you want to peruse my “Great Books to Read List (2016)” just click here and download the PDF. I periodically go through and update the list, so it doesn’t hurt to check back once a year or so. Once you’ve read all of those, try the Great Books to Read List 2 with a list of other books, but not ones I would put on the first list.

But, pretty much any book by C.S. Lewis, A.W. Tozer, J.I. Packer, Hank Hanegraaff, Ravi Zacharias, John Piper, Gary Habermas, Dallas Willard, or N.T. Wright, and anyone at Reasons to Believe would be good. That doesn’t mean I agree with them on all points – I definitely don’t. But, they are relatively deep thinkers, solid theologians, and orthodox.

If you’re wondering why your favorite book isn’t on the list… maybe it’s because there are so many good books (I’ve attempted to give kind of a good cross section of conceptual ideas and not overload)… or maybe it’s because I don’t like that author in any way. Or something in between. Ha!

If you have a question about a specific book, feel free to contact me and I’ll give my “yay” or “nay.”

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