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Loving Orphans

Loving Orphans


God chooses to describe his grand cosmic plan for the redemption of humankind as adoption. 

God’s desire is to “set the lonely in families” and help the fatherless, through me.



  1. Pray for them.   Find children at
  2. Speak up for them. Tell others the importance or become a court appointed advocate (
  3. Provide financially. Give to the church where a portion goes to orphan causes, give to the BIC Spice program, provide for those who can do foster care or adopt, share in a child’s adoption fund (Reece’s Rainbow).
  4. Support those who help orphans. Mow, baby sit, organize meals for foster parents. Have a shower for a family adopting a child of any age.
  5. Become a foster parent. Adopt a child.
  6. Mentor and care for them by forming a relationship with a foster/adopted children.
  7. Support and care for birthparents who placed or are placing a child with an adoptive family.

Speaker: Jeff Piepho

Jeff is the founding Pastor of Revolution Church, and host of Truth Revolution. Not afraid to laugh at himself, his sermons contain plenty of examples of how he needs to apply what we are all learning.