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Jeff Piepho

The Approach – Why do we pray?

Elijah the prophet encountered fire, an earthquake, and powerful wind in what we would describe as a scene of destruction. But what Elijah found out is that encountering God is often far from what we expect. God was not in the fire, wind, or earthquake. God was something different. Find out what. In this first…

The Da Vinci Code Sermon

The Da Vinci Code is an amazingly popular book and movie. It directly challenges the Christian’s faith in the Bible and Jesus Christ. Yet, in this sermon Pastor Jeff encourages people to read the book! He also explains some of the major fallacies within the Da Vinci Code.

The Sufficiency of Christ

We all try to fix things ourselves. Whether we want to be better people, receive God’s blessing, or even have our sins forgiven we often try to find someway for us to accomplish it. The truth is though, we cannot. But fear not: CHRIST CAN! This summary sermon combines all of the previous seventeen sermons…

Are you Sold Out, or a Sell Out?

In this sermon, Pastor Jeff looks at the lives of two different people mentioned in the Bible – Demas and Epaphras. Both men served in the church, both were persecuted, and both spent years of their life doing amazing works for God. But only one was sold out for Christ, the other was eventually a…

Tychicus: An Example of Commitment

Likely you have never heard of Tychicus… He was, however, one of the most faithful Bible characters we know of. In this sermon we examine the life of Tychicus, what it means to make a commitment and how that applies to our life.

Christianity as a Verb

The Texan flag contains a mistake. When created, a note was sent to the artist to include a “pear” on the flag to demonstrate one of California’s distinctives. However, the word “pear” was unreadable and was interpreted as “bear” – thus the California flag has a bear on it… a mistake. Why? Because someone was…

How Do We Know Jesus Rose From the Dead?

If the resurrection of Jesus Christ isn’t true, Christianity is worthless. How do we know that Jesus really rose from the dead? How do we know that we aren’t following some myth? In this sermon, Pastor Jeff explores the evidence to demonstrate that the Christian faith is reasonable: The Resurrection Really Did Happen.

Who Will You Be?

There are not many things in this world that you can control. There is really no way to control your neighbors, your boss, the global economy, the weather… you name, and we don’t have control over it. But there is one thing we can control: what type of person we will be. In this sermon…

Change for Christ

Christ calls us to change. And in this section of scripture Paul calls us to make very specific changes. Whether your are a husband, wife, employee, parent, child or will be one this sermon has direct application for your life.