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Jeff Piepho

Disciple Makers

It’s funny how OUR REALITY is shaped by our expectation, and what people tell us! If someone talks down to you, treats you badly your whole life you’ll have a poor self-image, and If you talk down to someone else the same will happen to them! Our words have POWER, and in this sermon Jeff…

Don’t Believe the Lies!

We listen to the wrong voices often. Voices that say things like “You don’t know how big of a problem this is” and “God’s servants and your leaders aren’t right.” Each and every day you have to choose: who are YOU going to listen to? How do you make that choice. Listen as Jeff shares about all…

You Are More Than Your Ancestors

Who will in your family will you take after? What family heritage will guide you, or what from my past will determine your future? Ahaz completely failed at following God. He even sacrificed his children in fire. His son Hezekiah, when he became king, must have had huge fears and expectations involving his father. What was he to…

The Perspective of a King

Question: At what cost do you live your life, or accomplish our goals? Amaziah had a King’s perspective: I’m going to war, gonna make a name for myself, plunder gold and silver, and build my Kingdom. Jeff had a goal to make a yummy breakfast, but he didn’t know the eggs were stale. What should he do…

So Dead I’m Alive

The Jewish Concept of Sin: The Yetzer hara, Literally the “evil impulse” that drives us to sin, is this the biblical view? And how do we direct our desires towards Godly LIFE giving activities, instead of sinful old-self activities? Find out in this sermon.

Fulfillment in Death

Baptism represents dying to our old way of life. There is an old saying “We’ll know where we’re going when we get there.” The type of truth we follow is vitally important. There are two different types of truth: Coherent Truth: A belief system that coheres, or fits together and Correspondent Truth: A belief system that corresponds to how things really…

The Human Heart is Fickle

Joash became King at seven years old, and did what was right in God’s eyes. Joash spent the first 6+ years of his life, hidden in the Temple, probably with the Priest Jehoiada as his Father figure. We need other people to stay focused on God! God even created us to need other people! Joash…

Eyes on God!

The epitome of faith is keeping your eyes on God, believing what he said, and obeying. Marching to “meet the problem” God’s way, while singing worship songs!