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The Simpler Life

We don’t need peace

In this final sermon of the series, Pastor Jeff claims that “we don’t need peace.” Find out why this is a Biblical teaching, and how it applies to your life.


In this sermon Pastor Jeff continues to teach about a Simple life by examine what a treasure is. One of the best ways to find peace and simplicity is by eliminating all unnecessary problems from your life, and in this sermon you will hear how to eliminate those problems by changing what you DO rather…

Finding Rest

What does it mean to rest? Most of us think naps, relaxing, or even games. The truth is that rest goes far beyond all of those things. Pastor Jeff explains, in this sermon, what true rest is and how to live that way.

Produce some Fruit

We are all soil. Well, according to a story told by Jesus at least. Jesus compared the word of God to a seed, and said that each of us like soil. Pastor Jeff examines the four different types of people-soil and helps us to understand how to live a fruitful growing life.

The Process

Beginning a new sermon series, “The Simpler Life: Bring Peace into Your Home,” Pastor Jeff helps us find out how to reduce chaos and stress in your life by following God’s promises for a simple life. In this first message we receive a great reminder that simplicity and peace is not about owning things,or even…