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Pray for Healing – Part 2

Pray for Healing – Part 2


“Consistence and Persistence Brings God’s Assistance!”

Join Pastor Jeff Piepho for part two of prayers for physical healing from the “P.R.A.Y.E.R.S.” series (part 1 linked below).

Through passages like Isaiah 40:31 and Luke 18:1, we learn that God DOES heal, He DOES answer prayer, and miracles DO happen. However, healing may not always come immediately, and there could be reasons for this, as we learned in part 1.

One thing remains clear, though: prayer is POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE!

Speaker: Jeff Piepho

Jeff is the founding Pastor of Revolution Church, and host of Truth Revolution. Not afraid to laugh at himself, his sermons contain plenty of examples of how he needs to apply what we are all learning.