Do you ever wonder why it is so hard for us to love one another? What happened to brotherly love to make it so rare these days?
Do you ever wonder why it is so hard for us to love one another without fear of being persecuted? The biggest reason is because of how the church was controlled by the government for over a thousand years. When Rome made Christianity the official religion of the country, the government that was Rome took control of all things religious. It was more concerned with pleasing others than with pleasing God. And, on top of that, it could be said that the government bullied people into following Christianity because of the fact that if you weren’t one of them you could be killed.
Christian’s alive during the time of the Roman Empire had to be very careful about what they did and said. If they didn’t do what the government or the church wanted them to do they could be put to death. Back then, loving one another was not as important as loving the government or the church and doing what they wanted rather than what God wanted.
Today, the church is no longer controlled by the government and people are free to love one another and support each other in a way they could not during the time of Rome. It is still hard for us to love one another with brotherly love though because of the fact that Christianity was controlled by the government for so long a time. We don’t have to worry about that anymore though. God wants us to love on one another, to be there in times of need and basically have each other’s back. This is a love you don’t find often these days. But isn’t it better to be able to love each other freely rather than listen to some government official telling you what to do and how to do it? Love truly is better than politics.
Sermon Summary Written by Christine Watkins