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Sermons – 25 Per Page


In this sermon Pastor Jeff examines a story of faith in Matthew 15:21-28. The woman in this story demonstrates a powerful example of believing that God can do anything! Grow you faith as we examine this miracle and why Jesus actually complimented her as one who has GREAT FAITH.


In this sermon Pastor Jeff explores the complement given to a poor widow who gave practically nothing for her offering. Why would Jesus compliment her, especially when there were so many rich people who gave much more? Find out why in this sermon, part of the series: “The Compliments of Jesus.”

John the Baptist

In this sermon Pastor Jeff examines John the Baptist. Jesus gave John the ultimate complimate, proclaiming that there was NO ONE like John!! Amazing. Find out why John got that compliment, and how we can follow the same path ourselves.

Complimenting Knowledge

In the first sermon of the series, Pastor Jeff explores the compliment Jesus gave to a teacher. Knowing that God desires us to love him seems easy now days. But find out why that concept caused Jesus to actually praise someone!

Special Guest Speaker: Ron Kramer

Ever wonder if just giving someone a bible will have an impact? Check out this special message from Ron Kramer! You’ll here story after story of how simply reading the bible has made an impact in many lives.

The Third Temptation of Jesus

In this sermon, Pastor Jeff examines the final temptation of Christ. What many people dont realize is how often Satan uses distractions in our lives, to pull us away from Gods plan. Even when the offer seems so good, we must be certain we are look at God and nowhere else.

The First Temptation of Jesus

In the first sermon on The Core of Temptation, Pastor Jeff Piepho examines dependence upon God. Jesus was tempted to turn rocks into bread to ease his hunger. Find out why this temptation had nothing to do with food. Learn what it means for us, and how we can change our lives to avoid temptation.

State of the Church Address

The State of The Church Address. In this sermon, Pastor Jeff examines the state of our Church. Our we healthy? How can we do better? What is most important for 2007? In this once-in-a-year event, the struggles and goals of Revolution Church will be laid out.

Our Finest Example

In the final sermon for the series, Pastor Jeff takes a look at how God forgave us. We are instructed to forgive others in the same way. You may be surprised.

The Reason for Our Forgiveness

In this sermon, Pastor Jeff examines our desire for revenge. He shares how he secretly desired God to take revenge on people, until he understood what scripture really teaches about forgiveness. Find out why we are forgiven, how to know when you have forgiven, and why bad emotions sometimes linger.

The Nature of a Scorpion

In this sermon, Pastor Jeff explores the powerful act of revenge. From motorcycles to scorpions this sermon lays out clear direction about why we must be able to bring about our prides demise, if we truly desire to forgive.

Party Time

Synopsis coming soon. We apologize for the first section of the sermon not being recorded. Outline Answers:1. Major Point: Evangelism isn’t an action, it’s a way of life!How do we appy it: The best way to do evangelism is by making friends with them and bringing people into our Community.

Our Responsibility

We have a responsibility to do Evangelism. For Christians it is not an option. In fact, the Bible calls us to “attack” people “with gentleness” when we witness to them. Find out exactly what this means in this sermon.


This life is simply preparation for our next life. If we can live with an “eternal perspective” we will realize how VALUABLE giving is. What we do here determines what our rewards will be like in Heaven.

Who Do You Trust

In this sermon Pastor Jeff examines the story of the poor widow. Did you know that “how much money you give” doesn’t actually have anything to do with giving? Find out what the real question is in this sermon: WHO DO YOU TRUST?

Reverse Giving

In this sermon Pastor Jeff advocates a new way to think and a new way to give. It is called, REVERSE GIVING! Reverse giving is the complete opposite from what many churches and teachers have been instructing people to do; but it is the Biblical way. Listen as Pastor Jeff dispells myths and proposes a…