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Guest Preacher Expectations

Thank you for preaching at Revolution Church!

We appreciate your heart and willingness to share with us. If you are preaching a full sermon you will recieve a stipend of $75 for sharing with us (unless otherwise noted).

We have asked you to preach here because we believe your heart, mind, and theology lines up with ours. With that in mind, here are some other expectations:


1. Bible Version: Use NIV 2011 version. The Bibles in our chairs are NIV 2011.

2. Sermon Type: We prefer that you preach an expositional message rather than a topical one.

3. Due Date: All required documents (below) must be delivered to the Church office on or before the Tuesday prior to your preaching Sunday.

4. Changes: Sermons will be reviewed. Please submit the full sermon and prepare for any requested changes due to doctrinal compatibility.

5. Arrival Time: On your Sunday, please arrive by 8:15am at the very latest. Preferably 8:00am and check in with the sound booth in the back to receive instructions and a microphone pack.

6. Dress Code: Dress appropriately (no short skirts, no tanktops, no shirts with lots of words) but also do not overdress. No suits. No ties. Generally speaking, jeans and a t-shirt are a good choice. We are very casual.

7. Sermon Length: We have three services with a short turn-around time, and a small parking lot, so sermons cannot go long! Plan on 30-35 minutes. Hard limits are a minimum of 27 minutes and a maximum of 42.

8. Required Documents: See below for all the information.

SEND DOCUMENTS TO: When you have the documents, send them by the due date to these three email addresses:,,


There are THREE required documents. “Sermon” (your full sermon, or as much as you write), “Outline W Blanks” (what we print for the congregation), and “Co-Preaching Projection Notes” (the document that goes to the projectionist). This is in addition to any video clips, pictures, or other media you may have.

Download the Examples:


CoPreaching Projection Notes

Outline W Blanks


1. Full sermon:  Please provide the full text of your sermon. We understand some preachers don’t do a complete manuscript. Please send the fullest written document you have for the sermon you will be preaching.

3. Outline W Blanks: This is the page that will be printed for the whole congregation. This page should be a full standard sized 8.5″ x 11″ document.

Include on the top left:
Series Name (if applicable)
Sermon Name
Bible Verse: list the main verse(s)
By: Your Name.  Date:  date of preaching.

Series: Healthy Habits
Sermon: Get in the Habit of Suffering
Bible Verses: 1 Peter 2:18-25, Matthew 19:21-30, James 1:2-4
By: Jeff Piepho Date: 1-20-19

In this document you should have anything you want printed. Especially, this will include lines and blanks for the congregation to fill in, if you do that.  If not, at least have some spaces for people to write things.

2. Co-Preaching Projection Notes: This would be the document that our projectionist would get.  This document should be color-coded and formatted a certain way:

Red text for any words that will be printed on an outline or notes for the congregation.

Underlined Red text for anything that will be a blank for the congregation to fill in. For example, if your point is, “Jesus rose from the dead.” and you want them to fill in the word “dead” on their outlines, then you would write it like this in the Co-Preaching Projection Notes:   Jesus rose from the dead.

Green text for any notes you want to share with the projectionist. For instance, “Put up the picture titled Family.jpg when I tell you to, after the ‘Jesus Rose from the dead’ blank. ” Or possibly something specific like, “This section is going to go very quickly, so maybe put these three blanks on the screen at one time.”

– Black text for words that will go on the screen, but won’t necessarily be written down by the congregation. Examples: quotes, and Bible verses.

– Format the Bible verses as follows:

If you know the page number of our Congregation’s Bibles
1 Peter 2:18-25
Page 981

If you don’t know the page number but want the congregation to use their Bibles

1 Peter 2:18-25
Please lookup page number

If you want the text on the screen

Genesis 50:20
 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.


We’ve never had a guest speaker cancel, or be late. But, in the unlikely even that something happens please contact us right away:
Church: 785-825-4488 or…
These are private cell phones, do not make these public:
Melissa Mayden (Administrator) 785-829-7677
Sam Loy (Assistant) 785-577-5442
Jeff Piepho (Pastor): 785-342-9805