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Bounce House Bouncers

Tim Blackburn

This is Tim!

IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, CALL Tim Blackburn (he’s managing stuff at Church for this) 620-640-5684.  

Alternatively, you can contact Melissa 785-829-7677.

 If your shift begins BEFORE A CHURCH SERVICE make sure to kick everyone out of the bounce house 2 minutes before the service begins!

Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 Shift 4 Shift 5 Shift 6 Shift 7 Shift 8
8:00-8:30 8:30 Church 9:30-10:00 10:00 Church 11:00-11:30 11:30 Church 12:30-1:30 1:30-3:00
Small Bounce Ami Ray Kat D Travis R Holly W
Large Bounce Holly Lovseth Latricia Kayla R Emily S
Floater Michael Hamm Jenn C Vincent G Aaron Rowan
Manager: Tim B Tim B Tim B Tim B Tim B Tim B Tim B Tim B

Bounce House Bouncers

  • Arrive before, your designated shift time. Find LT (Tim Blackburn) to let him know you are there.
    Stay until your time is up, but please wait until the next shift arrives so it isn’t unsupervised (unless a Church service directly follows your shift).


  • There are going to be two bounce houses. They will be located on the West side of the building. Find the one you are assigned to and stick to it like glue.


  • Please park somewhere other than the parking lot (unless it looks totally empty).


  • Main goal of the Bounce House BOUNCERS: To ensure children’s safety and maintain a (somewhat) orderly environment. In other words: as much as possible with dozens of kids and two bounce houses, keep things chaos and in injury free.


  • Remember our Church’s goal: To help Spiritual Orphans by Creating and Welcoming them Into our Healthy Christian Community. So, if you see someone who is a guest, or newer, make sure to welcome them and their children! Encourage the kids to have fun. THIS IS IMPORTANT.


  • Remember FIASCO (our personality): F=FUN. Let the kids have FUN. Bounce houses are bounce houses, and they’re a little chaotic. We don’t have to have military order here, just make sure it’s not overly wild, and prevent injury. Don’t let kids do flips off the high parts, etc.


  • Minimize conversation with adults (including your friends) so that you can watch the kids area. It’s totally fine to say, “Hey, I love talking to you, but I’m supposed to be attending to this bounce house. I’m going to have to catch you later!” People will understand. If they get upset, blame Pastor Jeff: “If he sees me talking to you, he’ll make me preach next week.”


  • If you are on the sex-offender list, or other such list, or anything that should prevent you from working with children, let us know ASAP. We still love you, but supervising kids on the bounce house isn’t the right ministry for you – there are lots of places for your gifts to be used!


  • Kids should have shoes off. Preferably, socks on.


  • No knives, guns, samurai swords, canons, trebuchet, squid guns, etc allowed in bounce house.


  • In case of emergency there is a first-aid kit on the supply table near the bounce houses.


  • Be happy. Be joyful. Serve as though you are serving the LORD!