Sunday Services: 9:00am & 11:00am
624 S. Broadway Blvd or LIVE ONLINE


The Roadmap defines how any person would normally get involved at Revolution Church.
We’ve found that something like 80% of the people who go to Welcome Class will continue at Church for at least 6-months. But, then, if they want to keep growing they need a growth group. This process continues, and is based on both Theological and Biblical evidence as well as research methodology from a study called, REVEAL by the Willow Creek Association.

Service Times:

Sunday, 9:00 am
Sunday, 11:00 am
© 2024 Revolution Church. All rights reserved.
Piepho Multimedia and Revolution Church

Welcome Class Registration

This class lasts about one hour and is perfect for you if you want to learn more about Revolution Church.
Meet the Pastor, hear about our beliefs, and how you can be involved. Ask any questions you have.
There are no commitments necessary. Just see if Revolution is the right place for you.