Sunday Services: 9:00am & 11:00am
624 S. Broadway Blvd or LIVE ONLINE

Join in the fun!

Upcoming Events

Welcome Class

Dec 22 @ 12:30pm
New to Revolution? Join us for lunch in "the welcome room" (right across from the sanctuary). It lasts about one hour.

Learn what we believe and why Revolution Church might be the place for you.

Christmas Eve Services!

Dec 24
Christmas Eve services will be at 5:00pm and 6:30pm!

This ROCKIN' GLOWLIGHT service will be sure to create fond memories as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Welcome Class

Jan 5 @ 12:30pm
New to Revolution? Join us for lunch in "the welcome room" (right across from the sanctuary). It lasts about one hour.

Learn what we believe and why Revolution Church might be the place for you.

Baptism Sunday!

Jan 5
Join us to celebrate new believers demonstrating that they've given their life to Christ through baptism.


Jan 12 @ 1:00pm
Jesus commanded us to remember his death by participating in "The Lord's Table." We drink grape juice and eat bread to remember his sacrifice for us.

Welcome Class

Jan 19 @ 12:30pm
New to Revolution? Join us for lunch in "the welcome room" (right across from the sanctuary). It lasts about one hour.

Learn what we believe and why Revolution Church might be the place for you.

Baptism Sunday!

Jan 26
Join us to celebrate new believers demonstrating that they've given their life to Christ through baptism.

Welcome Class

Feb 2 @ 12:30pm
New to Revolution? Join us for lunch in "the welcome room" (right across from the sanctuary). It lasts about one hour.

Learn what we believe and why Revolution Church might be the place for you.

Epic Offsite

Feb 7-8 @ 12:30pm
Revolution Leaders event and training. This weekend we're inviting Dr. Jay Moon to come and teach us new ways to do evangelism.

This event is only open to current leaders at Revolution.

Service Times:

Sunday, 9:00 am
Sunday, 11:00 am
© 2024 Revolution Church. All rights reserved.
Piepho Multimedia and Revolution Church

Welcome Class Registration

This class lasts about one hour and is perfect for you if you want to learn more about Revolution Church.
Meet the Pastor, hear about our beliefs, and how you can be involved. Ask any questions you have.
There are no commitments necessary. Just see if Revolution is the right place for you.