Sunday Services: 9:00am & 11:00am
624 S. Broadway Blvd or LIVE ONLINE

Your sobriety matters.

Many of the awesome people at Revolution are working on sobriety. You aren't alone. There's a lot of us just like you.

You know, out of all the places that I figured I would eventually belong, a church would have definitely been at the bottom of that list. Strange how things work because today I call Revolution Church home and have created so many awesome friendships that I know in my heart will be long term. The people here are so amazing and make life fun. I honestly couldn't see myself belonging anywhere else.

Joey Garringer
Sobriety group leader

Get info on the Recovering Addicts Group


Nobody truly gets clean by themselves. God didn't design us to be alone. No matter what your addiction is, we can help.


Growth Group #15

Recovery group
When: Thursdays 6:00 pm
Who: Anyone
Where: Revolution

This is a group for anyone that is or has struggled with an addiction.Come learn how we can support each other in recovery and lean on what the Bible says. We will be reading from the New life Bible and 12 step work book.

Service Times:

Sunday, 9:00 am
Sunday, 11:00 am
© 2024 Revolution Church. All rights reserved.
Piepho Multimedia and Revolution Church

Welcome Class Registration

This class lasts about one hour and is perfect for you if you want to learn more about Revolution Church.
Meet the Pastor, hear about our beliefs, and how you can be involved. Ask any questions you have.
There are no commitments necessary. Just see if Revolution is the right place for you.