What if we truly prioritized what matters most?
In this sermon Pastor Jeff challenges us to examine our priorities. We often let urgent things take over, while the important things get pushed aside. 1 Peter 10-21 reminds us that prophets and angels longed to understand the greatest truth in history—God’s plan to fix sin and death through Jesus Christ. Yet, we can see it clearly today! Do we treat it as the most important thing in our lives?
Jesus is returning, and God is already working in us. Are we paying attention, or are we distracted? Holiness isn’t just about avoiding sin—it’s about being set apart, focused, and accountable in our walk with God.
Out of all the places that I figured I would eventually belong, a church would have definitely been at the bottom of that list. The people here are amazing and make life fun. I honestly couldn't see myself belonging anywhere else.
This class lasts about one hour and is perfect for you if you want to learn more about Revolution Church. Meet the Pastor, hear about our beliefs, and how you can be involved. Ask any questions you have. There are no commitments necessary. Just see if Revolution is the right place for you.